Accelerated Cyber and 资讯保安科技 Degree
Bachelors to Bachelors in Cyber and Network Security Program Overview
你是否对网络和网络安全领域的职业感兴趣,但拥有其他领域的学士学位? 你是否正在寻找一种方法来获得知识和技能,以便在尽可能短的时间内走上新的职业道路? 十大正规网堵平台提供了一个新的课程,可以让你在短短12个月内完成网络和网络安全学士学位. 该计划旨在为您提供公司在网络安全专业人员中寻找的知识和技能.
You may have seen the headlines or know someone that has been affected by cybercrimes, 也许你有你自己. With every company and person at risk of being a victim of cybercrimes, opportunities for highly skilled cybersecurity professionals are expanding.
Are you ready to join the fight against cybercrime but are not sure where to start? 十大正规网堵平台的学位完成课程旨在为拥有现有学士学位的学生提供独特的学习机会, 简化了将当前学位的学分用于网络和网络安全学位的机会.
十大正规平台 University is one of the leading institutions in awarding degrees in Cyber Security. 我们致力于学生的成功! We can help you succeed with our support services such as academic tutors, 网络安全竞赛, and robust career services and assistance.
雇主们急切地寻找高技能的网络安全专业人员,并希望员工能够立即为他们的组织做出贡献. Our skills-based, hands-on approach helps you learn the skills you need.
What can I do with a Bachelors in Cyber and Network Security?
What are the 可能的职业发展方向s for a Bachelors in Cyber and Network Security?
网络与网络安全专业的学生通常会选择技术型的工作, 计算机科学相关领域. 科技行业正在寻找对网络和移动网络有深刻理解的知识渊博的员工, as well as backgrounds in software and computer systems. Graduates in the cybersecurity field are sought after in many industries, so employment is likely in most public or private business settings, even the military!
Top career choices in this field include:
- Cybersecurity Operations and Maintenance Specialist
- 网络和数据中心管理员
- 虚拟服务器管理员
- 安全运营分析师
- 渗透试验器
- Systems Analyst
- 系统管理员
Program Outcomes
B组学生.S. in Cyber and Network Security program are tasked with developing planning, design, implementation, 以及操作系统的支持技能, networking, 软件程序, and security. 学生应根据所攻读的专业发展额外的重点技能. 学生还需要学习优秀客户服务的原则,以便帮助客户解决技术问题.
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Cyber and Network Security program, 毕业生应:
- 运用计算和其他相关学科的原理来分析和解决复杂的计算问题.
- Design, implement, 并评估基于计算的解决方案,以满足程序规程上下文中给定的一组计算需求.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
- Make informed judgments in computing practice based on ethics, law, 监管环境, 以及职业标准.
- 作为团队的一员或领导者,有效地从事与十大正规平台纪律相适应的活动.
- Apply security principles and practices to the environment, hardware, software, 以及系统中人的方面.
- Analyze and evaluate systems to maintain operations in the presence of risks and threats.
Accelerated Cyber and 资讯保安科技 Degree Curriculum
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
ACS100 | ACS100计算基础 | 6.00 |
ACS130 | ACS130 Introduction to Programming and Automation | 6.00 |
ACS150 | ACS150网络基础 | 6.00 |
ACS200 | ACS200安全基础 | 6.00 |
ACS200L | ACS200L高级网络安全实验室 | 1.00 |
ACS225 | ACS225 Windows管理 | 6.00 |
ACS250 | ACS250 Linux管理 | 6.00 |
ACS300 | ACS300 Routing & 开关原理 | 6.00 |
ACS325 | ACS325云管理 | 6.00 |
ACS400 | ACS400道德黑客 | 6.00 |
ACS452 | 顶点课程I(竞赛) | 2.00 |
ACS453 | 顶点课程II(十大正规平台) | 3.00 |
学时总数 | 60.00 | |
Visit the 十大正规网堵平台目录 获取最新的节目信息.
At 十大正规平台 University you’ll find faculty and staff who are dedicated to your success. 我们不仅希望看到你们毕业,而且我们的首要目标是让你们为成功做好准备. Industry driven curriculum taught using a variety of methods, 从讲座到实践活动, will expose you to the information and skills you will need.
我们的加速课程可以让学生在短短2年的时间内获得学士学位.5年,每5周上两节课. 当你完成你的课程作业, our Career Services department can help you with resumes, cover letters, 面试准备. After graduation, 我们的校友会可以让你与你所在领域和全国各地的同龄人保持联系.
十大正规平台 University’s degree programs are developed by talking with local employers first, and focusing on industry-driven curriculum, skillsets, 和认证. 由16所大学组成的咨询委员会每年召开两次会议,讨论雇主的最新需求. 然后我们将这些整合到我们的程序中, 开发在虚拟培训环境中使用的内容和活动,并在实践中使用动手模拟器, clinics, and externships.
十大正规平台 University offers discount vouchers for many industry-related certifications, so you’ll pay less here than you would anywhere else. 根据你的学位课程和专业,这些节省可能相当可观,可以达到数千美元. Not only that, but we also make it very easy! We provide students access to the “GetCertified” portal, 学生在哪里可以报名参加考试, 领取并接受考试券, and find preparatory information needed for the certifications.
在IT领域,认证证明你有专业的行业知识. In some instances, this might be all that is needed to obtain initial employment. Having a degree can signify your commitment to employers and your field.
一个学位可能会让你进门, 但是,任何额外的资格证书都可以帮助你从一群只有学位的求职者中脱颖而出. 在你的领域获得证书可以向潜在的雇主证明你是一个专注于你的手艺的专家. 认证还可以让您了解您所在领域的最新技术和进展.
Similar to a restaurant getting an “A+” in cleanliness, 国家安全局/国土安全部指定为“国家网络防御教育学术卓越中心(CAE-CDE)”,表示十大正规网堵平台的网络学位课程已由独立的第三方进行评估,并发现符合(或超过)指定或奖励的要求.
- 31个文科和理科学分可从以前的学位/课程中获得(包括以下概述的先决课程)
- 计算机应用3个学分
- 26个选修学分
Course Category |
Course Title |
Credits |
艺术与科学 |
写作文 |
6 |
艺术与科学 |
口头交流 |
3 |
艺术与科学 |
社会和行为科学 |
6 |
艺术与科学 |
自然科学/实验室 |
4 |
艺术与科学 |
美术/人文 |
3 |
艺术与科学 |
Math |
3 |
艺术与科学 |
Statistics |
3 |
艺术与科学 |
跨学科的顶点/选修 |
3 |
技术与选修课 |
计算机应用 |
3 |
技术与选修课 |
Electives |
26 |
Acceptance of Academic Credit and Transfer Policy
网络和网络安全理学学士(学位完成)课程的申请人必须完成地区认可机构的理学学士学位或文学学士学位, 至少以2分毕业.50 GPA. An official transcript is required as part of the application process.
不符合2 .的学生.50 GPA requirement may apply for admission to the BS CNS program on a provisional status. Upon successful completion of the first semester of the BS CNS curriculum, 学生可以申请从临时录取转为正式录取.
Transfer credits will be evaluated according to 十大正规平台 University’s transfer credit policy. 如前一节所述,必须满足先决条件课程的要求.
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